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Farzad Goli invites you to awaken your body wisdom, and to journey home; a way to the unconditional joy of nonduality.
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A taste of the BEING
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Create a better Self, by the Self, for the Self.

Behi Institute provides online programs that provide a combination of lessons and meditation practices designed and structured in curated modules, based on the Bioenergy Economy model, aimed at awakening the body to its inner wisdom and nonduality, leading to a sustained quality of unconditional joy in life.

Combining elements of psychology, spirituality, and modern day lifestyles in an elegant dance of harmonious meditation practices and simple explanations of complex concepts, Farzad Goli, MD, guides you to heal your body, grow, and to become empowered by creating a better Self, by the Self and for the Self.

This contemporary methodology has been carefully crafted into accessible content and refined to bring an integrated healing system to anyone who is willing to give it a try. The results have been beyond expectation, and the mental and physical improvements continue to create a significant impact on people’s lives, moving the restless mind to an expanded Self that is in harmony with the Universe.

When the body is awakened and in a state of coherence, we move further away from impulsivity and automatic reactions, and instead, tend to become wise, compassionate, and proactive. 

So, let’s expand our bodily awareness!

what you'll learn


More than ever, we are living in a society that fosters individualism to the point where we have lost touch with our interconnectedness. This phenomenon has led to feelings of separation and disconnection. We are seeking a quality of coherence. A sense of security of being-at-home. This journey helps us organize our knowledge, harmonize our bonds, and create new insights for the sustainable development of happiness and pleasure.



We've all experienced pain and trauma in our lives. There is no need to resolve every one of them to reach the exhilarating garden of unconditional happiness. The words Health and Healing have the same etymological root as the word Whole. Nonduality means unity in duality, or unos ambo in Latin. The integrity of parts functioning as a whole is therefore the description of health, and healing is the way back to this state.

Soft Hard by Wassily Kandinsky
bEYOND a transactional world


Through mind-body integration and the reframing of the mind to a state of nonduality, we move beyond the dual framework of the mental ego, and allow ourselves to raise the quality of everyday life. Being without any hows or whys; being for the sake of being; and presence for presence. We start to move towards the path of transpersonal consciousness.



For so long have we searched for love and attention from somewhere outside of ourselves, leading to nothing more than feelings of anxiety and emptiness. It's time we accept that we are conscious bodies, sprouting from the earth, and extending towards the universe. From this path, we reach wiser selves that are more authentic, giving birth to our awakened being and experiencing the sensational quality of tranquility from within.

bioenergy economy

The healing power of being whole

Farzad Goli’s Bioenergy Economy framework, drawn upon years of research and clinical practice, is geared towards the optimization of happiness and pleasure through an integrative care model. This model focuses on the origins of health from a top-down viewpoint, meaning healing through body awareness and a nondual cognition to reach a state of coherent wholeness from which dis-ease turns to a state of total ease.

Photo by Frank Cone on

A Taste of BEING

Immerse yourself and enrich your soul with a guided meditation intended to raise your body awareness and provide a glance at the journeys ahead.


Homeland Journey

Start your journey towards Home with this 40-day program, designed with short daily lessons and guided meditation practices, bringing about wholeness and nonduality to your life.


Behi Program

A comprehensive program, expanding on the Bioenergy Economy’s model of care, to improve health and wellbeing, leading to a sustained quality of happiness.

What students say
It helped me tune into myself. The parts about moving towards the future with a certain vibration and resonance, "the unique music of our being" was especially poetic and impactful to me.
Course: A taste of BEING
It was easy to follow along! I could feel my body relax as I listened to the rich, hypnotic voice of the meditation practices.
Course: Homeland Journey
A very grounding and peaceful experience. This is deep conceptually, sometimes with the visualizations, it takes a few listens to get into them and internalize. Really enjoyed listening to it and going along with the meditations.
Course: Homeland Journey
Homeland journey Program

Homeland Journey is a four-part program focused on healing and happiness through the development of wholeness and nonduality. Through four journeys of the BODY, MIND, OTHER, and BEING, we will explore our body wisdom prowl-by-prowl and learn how to let our organismic senses free, towards healing and mind-body integrity. 

01 journey within the BODY

Reconnect with your Body

This journey explores BODY, BREATH, HEART, and PACE awareness. We learn to find balance within our body; connect the inside with the outside through the wave of breaths; pause to check in with our feelings; and take a mindful walk to no particular destination. Through this ten day journey, we will focus on stability, breathing, feeling, and body movements.

02 journey within the mind

Narrate your Narrative

On our second journey we shall explore SENSE, ATTENTION, THOUGHT, and NARRATIVE awareness. We will use our senses as windows to the world, letting us know what is going on, and where we are; learn by guiding our attention which direction to open these windows to; observe our thoughts; and finally to begin narrating our stories. From perception to narration, we interpret what we receive from the external world through the symbolic language of the mind.

03 journey towards the other

Relate to your Relations

On our third journey we will focus on I; the OTHER, The OTHER; I, Distance Language, and TOGETHER-ness. We learn to move from an "I versus the OTHER" to the "I which is made of a multitude of OTHERS"; we practice ways to live our values through our relationships; listen to our bodies for creating healthy boundaries; and to create synergistic relationships together. This is a deep dive in the nature of our interpersonal world.

04 journey towards being

Taste the joy of I AM-ness

Our final journey is a contemplation over existential and spiritual needs, and an expansion of bodily awareness to transpersonal spaces: a boundless experience that is the source of happiness, security, and unconditional love. We shall do this through the four prowls of BEING-from, BEING-in, BEING-to, and I AM-ness. We get familiarized with the wonders of gratitude; learn to let go; forgive ourselves and others; and experience the sensational tranquility of BEING. You will taste the joys of presence and of becoming a Homelander regardless of outside circumstances.

health benefits

The underlying structure for all programs of the Behi Institute are based on the BEHI (Bioenergy Economy-based Health Improvement), with a proven track record of effectively relieving myriads of health problems, including:

Let’s look away from the inadequacies of

ourselves and of OTHERS, and to turn towards our BEING

and the being of others for the creation of

joyfulness and betterment.

CO-homelander and guide

Farzad Goli, MD

Medical Psychotherapist

Farzad Goli, author, philosopher, and therapist, is a guest researcher at the University of Freiburg in Germany. In 2011, Dr. Goli was appointed a professorship at the Energy Medicine University, and in collaboration with his wife, Mahboubeh Farzanegan, has been teaching the professional “Bioenergy economy” (BEE) program. This novel integrative care model was developed in 2008 based on Dr. Goli’s experiences in clinical and educational activities in the areas of psychosomatic medicine, transpersonal psychology, and cultural psychology, especially Sufi psychology. He has led numerous postdoctoral programs and trained hundreds of psychologists and psychiatrists in psychosomatic medicine, psycho-oncology, and systemic psychology.

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